GLIWA Calendar 2024
Come join us and enjoy the day with your wolfhounds!
GLIWA Parade Schedule
***Please Note: Parade participation is reserved for active gliwa members only. non-members may not participate***
~~Manhattan Parade ~~
Saturday, March 8, 2025
10:00 a.m. Lineup, 11:05 a.m. step off time
Parade line up #41.
GLIWA line up position is on Kay St, north of 1st street.. our group number is 41.. Please be in position by 10:30am.. parade kick off is 11:00am.. there is a 5k run prior so roads close earlier. Arrive early to park around 9:30.
~~~ South Side Irish Parade ~~~
Sunday March 16, 2025
Noon step off
Parade line up link to be posted closer to event…
The parade will step off at noon from 103rd & Western and proceed south down Western Avenue to 115th Street (2 mile walk). Parking can be difficult, arrive early.
Letter to organizations that request our Irish Wolfhounds participate in their events
Due to the many requests we receive, there are requirements we need to make the event a successful experience for all.
Once we receive a request for an event, we will need the date, times, and any other information that is relevant (such as parking instructions).
Since we are a not-for-profit club, we would appreciate it if your organization offered a donation for attending. We like to reimburse our members for any expenses, plus it helps to keep our club successful. Thank you in advance!
We carry a substantial insurance policy that is required by most events.
Irish Wolfhounds don't do very well in the extreme heat. Adequate shade and water are necessary.
Wolfhounds are considered one of the largest breeds. We require a larger area to set up.